Used Book Sale
2024 Book Sale will be held September 28-29
On Friday September 27th from 3:30 until 6pm we will be selling children's books only. This time is set aside so that children and young adults can browse the books and other materials without a crowd of adults. The main event for adult as well as children's materials will be:
- Saturday September 28th from 9am until 4pm
- Sunday September 29th from 11am until 4pm
We are accepting donations at the Easton Public Library during normal open hours (Monday-Wednesday 10-6, Thursday 10-7, Friday 10-5, and Saturday 10-3) until Monday September 16th.
We accept books in good condition, CDs and DVDs. We do not accept textbooks, encyclopedias, VHS tapes, LP records or cassette tapes. Please do not bring anything that is torn, scribbled in, musty, mildewed, water damaged, falling apart, or out of date.
Are you willing to help?
We are looking for volunteers to help sort the donated books. Owing to space restrictions sorting has moved away from the library. Members of the Friends will be sorting Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10am until noon. We would be happy to have you join our discussions while we sort. Please reach out to one of our contacts for details and so that we can let you know if sorting is cancelled for the date you are considering. Sign up here.
We are also looking for volunteers to help set up the books in the community room during the week of Sept 23-27. You can sign up here.
For further information please contact Phyllis Machledt ( or George Hajek ( or use our contact form
Thank you, too, to the wonderful people who volunteered their time and energy to help make this book sale a success in 2023. We couldn't have done it without you!